
Clementi, Schumann & Ravel in één stuk

Op dinsdag 17 april spelen we om 20:15 uur in Felix Meritis in Amsterdam, samen met Van Swieten Society en het Asko Kamerkoor. Naast een sonate van Wolgang Amadeus Mozart, spelen we een werk van Clarence Barlow uit 1981. Hier lees je alvast iets meer over Barlow en zijn bijzondere compositie.

Clarence Barlow

Clarence Albertson Barlow werd geboren op 27 december 1945 in Calcutta, India. Hij begon met componeren op elfjarige leeftijd en verkreeg in 1965 zowel het diploma van Trinity College of Music in Londen als een graad in de natuurwetenschappen aan de Universiteit van Calcutta. Hij studeerde tussen 1968 en 1973 elektronische muziek en compositie aan de Musikhochschule in Keulen bij Bernd Alois Zimmermann en Karlheinz Stockhausen. Van 1966 tot 1968 doceerde hij aan de Calcutta School of Music, van 1982 tot 1994 bij de Ferienkurse für neue Musik in Darmstadt en van 1984 tot 2005 computermuziek aan de Hochschule für Musik in Keulen.

Van 1990 tot 1994 was hij artistiek directeur van het Instituut voor Sonologie aan het Koninklijk Conservatorium in Den Haag, waar hij van 1994 tot 2006 ook compositie en sonologie doceerde. Sinds 2006 is hij Corwin Professor aan de University of California in Santa Barbara, USA. Hij heeft sinds 1971 vele experimenten gedaan op het gebied van metrum en tonaliteit en was de medeoprichter van GIMIK: Initiative Musik und Informatik Köln.


Op 17 april spelen we het stuk ‘1981’, uit datzelfde jaar, wat feitelijk een muzikale mix is. De muziek van elk van de drie instrumenten in ‘1981’ is statistisch afgeleid van de corresponderende partijen van elk van de volgende drie pianotrio’s: La Chasse in C (1788) van Muzio Clementi (in één deel), Trio no. 2 in F (1847) van Robert Schumann (eerste deel) en Trio in a (1914) van Maurice Ravel. De stukken beginnen gelijktijdig en eindigen veertig seconden na elkaar in de bovenstaande volgorde.

Bovenstaand diagram laat de compositorische structuur van het werk zien: de drie instrumenten zijn symbolen in hun respectievelijke spiralen. Aan het begin (het midden van de diagram) zijn de drie verschijningsvormen van de originele trio’s elk met 33% vertegenwoordigd. De afstand van elk instrument ten opzichte van de hoekpunten C (Clementi) S (Schumann) en R (Ravel) is omgekeerd evenredig tot de aanwezigheid van de muziek van de betreffende componist.

Beluister het stuk van Clarence Barlow alvast via onze Soundcloud-pagina:

Kijk voor meer informatie en voor kaarten voor het concert op de website van Felix Meritis.

A series matter – Time Out Amsterdam

Amsterdam’s original ‘Temple of Enlightenment’ Felix Meritis is tuning up with three new concert series. Tim Peterson spoke with organisers Arjan Hebly and John Snijders.

Given the enormous anticipated rollback of government funding for classical music in Holland, it would make sense to see a bit more conservative programming from classical venues right now. Surprisingly, the folks at Felix Meritis, the stately, columned monument to arts and science on the Keizersgracht, are doing just the opposite.
Starting this month with a performance from Amsterdam-based contemporary chamber group the Ives Ensemble, music programming manager Arjan Hebly, along with help from Ives’ founder and artistic director John Snijders, has conjured up three new series – 22 concerts in total – through May 2012. The previous year’s count: 12.
‘I wanted some regularity in the programming, not just one every month,’ says Hebly, who came to the Felix Meritis two years ago from a cultural centre in Hoofddorp. ‘We want to establish our new-old concert hall. When you have too few concerts, people start to forget you.’
The ‘new-old’ hall to which Hebly is referring received a complete new paint job and modern ventilation system just last year. The project was part of a massive renovation that’s been going on for 20 years in preparation for the 225th anniversary of the building in 2013. That year also marks the 125th birthday of the Concertgebouw and 300 years of the beloved grachtengordel, so some significant collaborative concerts are in the works.
Until the 19th century, the main Felix Meritis concert hall, which was actually the model for the Concertgebouw’s small hall, was pretty much the only musical performance venue in Amsterdam, often playing host to period rock stars including Robert and Clara Schumann, Johannes Brahms, Camille Saint-Saëns and Julius Röntgen.
Deputy director of international programmes Joanneke Lootsma said it was time to ‘revive the concert practice as it once was.’ Hebly agrees: ‘It was the natural moment.’
September kicks off the new music schedule with the first series, ‘News Amsterdam’s original ‘Temple of Enlightenment’ Felix Meritis is tuning up with three new concert series. Tim Peterson spoke with organisers Arjan Hebly and John Snijders Felix cats: The Ives Ensemble makes for the Meritis. Below: ‘Die Kammersängerin’ A series matter from the Front’, which focuses on unpacking the term ‘modern music’ through classical, contemporary and new compositions, and features concerts from Ives as well as 18th-century specialists the Van Swieten Society and contemporary vocalists the Asko Chamber Choir.
‘“Old” and “modern” don’t have anything to do with the time that music’s been written,’ says Snijders. ‘Music written in the 14th century could sound like it’s been written in the 1940s. Someone like Beethoven or Haydn – their music was avant-garde in its own right, not contemporary but modern. That quality doesn’t get lost in time.’
There’s only one concert this month: ‘Two Women’ on 16 September features two half-hour pieces. The first is ‘Les Emois d’Aphrodite’, a collection of three dances for an ‘invisible’ goddess, written by musique concrète pioneer Luc Ferrari. Following is award-winning musical theatre production ‘Die Kammersängerin’, a work for high soprano and nine musicians from Dutch composer Richard Rijnvos, based on texts from 20th-century Austrian poet Ernst Jandl.
The rest of the programming doesn’t really get going until November, but there’s plenty on the roster thereafter.
As far as the national budget cuts are concerned, Felix Meritis isn’t expecting much of an impact; it receives only half of one per cent of its annual operating budget from the local government, according to director Linda Bouws, and nothing from The Hague. The rest? Rent from letting all of the building’s seven unique halls: ‘Some days there’s a photo shoot, a summer course or a business conference,’ says Lootsma. In that sense, Felix Meritis is already running as The Hague would like: using income earned from mostly private sources.
‘Even though the government is doing everything they can to destroy as much as they can manage, we’ll go on ‘When you have too few concerts, people start to forget you’ regardless,’ says Snijders. ‘A message can come from our concerts, but it’s not the reason for them. We’re more musicians than politicians.’ Maybe they can be a little of both.
The Ives Ensemble performs at Felix Meritis, Keizersgracht 324, Friday 16.